
I’ve read many famous novels in English during this summer holiday . The Pride and Prejudice wriffen by Jane Austen give me the strongest impression a mong them. So affer read it. I even watch a film of it.

Like many novels set up in 18 to 19 century, this book tells a story about marriage and fortune . Jane Austen shows us four different attitudes towards marriage and love through describing the different ways in which the Bennet girls doing with their marriage problems . Jane got married with a wealthy gentleman , Mr. Bingley, because of true love. Elizabeth began to hate Mr. Darcy because of his pride and others rumours . at first . Luckily, she found out the fruth and her prejudice of him disappeared. They became couple evenfually . However ,Lydia married wickham ,a bad guy , for his hand some and Charlotte married Mr. Collins just for the money. This book makes us understand that ifs wrang to get married just for property ,


  • 傲慢与偏见读后感英文
  • 红楼梦练习
  • 红楼梦题目
  • 红楼梦试题
  • 简爱读后感英文版
  • 罗密欧与朱丽叶读后感
  • 老人与海英文读后感


