
充分考虑楼宇内所涉及的各部门信息的集成和共享,确保整个系统的先进性合理性,实现分散式控制,集中统一式管理,各个子系统相互紧密联系。总体结构具有可扩展性和兼容性,宽带主机能集成不同厂商不同类型的先进产品,使整个系统可随技术的进步和发展,不断得到充实和提高。 网络结构化综合布线系统的设计依照国际和国家的有关标准进行。此外根据系统总体结构的需求,各个子系统必须结构化和标准化,并代表当今最新的技术成就。


摘要:充分考虑楼宇内所涉及的各部门信息的集成和共享,确保整个系统的先进性合理性,实现分散式控制,集中统一式管理,各个子系统相互紧密联系。总体结构具有可扩展性和兼容性,宽带主机能集成不同厂商不同类型的先进产品,使整个系统可随技术的进步和发展,不断得到充实和提高。 网络结构化综合布线系统的设计依照国际和国家的有关标准进行。此外根据系统总体结构的需求,各个子系统必须结构化和标准化,并代表当今最新的技术成就。 在实现先进性、可靠性的前提下,达到功能和经济的优化设计。结构化综合布线系统的设计采用新技术、新材料、新工艺使综合化布线大楼能够满足智能大厦的各项指标。

关键词:子系统 宽带主机 综合布线系统

Abstract: Take full account of buildings and departments involved in information integration and sharing, to ensure that the advanced nature of the entire system and reasonable, to achieve decentralized control, centralized and unified style management, the various subsystems closely interrelated. Overall structure of the scalability and compatibility, broadband host of different vendors can be integrated in different types of advanced products, so that the whole system with the technological progress and development, constantly enriched and improved. Network Structured Cabling System design in accordance with international and relevant national standards. Moreover, according to the needs of the overall structure of the system, each subsystem must be structured and standardized, and on behalf of today's latest technological achievements.

In the realization of advanced, reliable, under the premise of function and economic optimization. Structured Cabling System is designed with new technology, new materials, new techniques to enable an integrated approach to wiring the building to meet the targets of intelligent buildings

Key words: subsystem Broadband Host Subsystem PDS


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